Lateness:  What you do the 1st & 2nd time sets the tone

Lateness: What you do the 1st & 2nd time sets the tone

The issue of lateness is a hot topic in HR leadership and one that isn’t generational.

The good news is that people usually step up to what we expect of them and the lateness issue is no different.  Meaning if we set high expectations for our team members they typically meet them.

The important thing is that you realize that as a practice leader this may be an uncomfortable conversation, but what you do that first time…  that second time… can make all the difference.

Where to start?

Start with setting an intention.

Setting an intention for how you deal with lateness will generate more confidence.  You’ll feel more confident knowing that when you address the issue appropriately you are really standing up for all of your team members. We all deserve to have each other’s backs.  That’s what makes for a wonderful practice culture and that’s what leads us all to step up to our best selves.

Where do you go from there?  Watch the video below for the full details.


Retain Your Great New Employees – An alternative to sink or swim

Retain Your Great New Employees – An alternative to sink or swim

Congratulations!  You’ve selected your new hire and today is day one of what you hope will be a long, mutually rewarding relationship. What’s your onboarding plan?

First impressions are powerful and lasting. The prospects for achieving success with a new hire will depend to a great extent on what you have planned for this new hire’s first day at the office. Putting your best foot forward matters, considering these statistics:

  • Healthcare is tied with banking and  finance in having the second highest turnover rate of 15% in 2016, behind hospitality (20%), according to Compensation Force, a workforce blog produced by Altura Consulting Group in Wayzata, Minnesota
  •  40% of employees who have quit a job voluntarily did so within six months of starting the position, according to ClearCompany, the inventor of a software/service talent management system. The cost of replacing an entry-level employee is 30-50% of their annual salary, according to ClearCompany.

Do the math, it’s eye-opening.

What is your onboarding plan? 

This the question is often met by a surprised, deer-in-the-headlights look.

“What do you mean, onboarding strategy? We hired an experienced dental assistant, she knows what to do, right?” 

The reality is this dental assistant does know what to do in her previous practice. She doesn’t have any experience in how to best support your philosophy of care and protocols. She doesn’t know your perspective on the practice culture or the nuances of everyday life in your practice. Without this knowledge, there is a steep, stressful learning curve ahead of all of you.

“Hmm, I guess I don’t have an onboarding strategy.”  This doctor does have a strategy; unfortunately, it’s not a good one.  There’s a long-standing tradition in dentistry of introducing new hires through a process known as the “sink or swim.” For the uninitiated, this consists of basically throwing the new hire into the deep end of the pool and hoping they learn how to save themselves. Some will thrive, some will struggle; others will simply choose to get out of the pool and go home. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Want to learn what new employees really want and a better way to onboard?  Click here to read my most recent article published in the Winter 2018 edition of Dental Practice Success.


To Tell The Truth: Hiring… on Purpose

Do You Remember the old game show “To Tell The Truth?”

This long-runTTTTning game show featured challengers who were introduced and all  claimed to be the central character. Celebrity panelists conducted a Q&A and then  had to choose who they thought was actually telling the truth and was the real  central character.

 When it comes to finding the next best team member for your practice, you too will  face multiple candidates who claim to be the ‘real thing.’

Let’s spend some time talking about how you can navigate these tricky waters and improve your chances for success. In this webinar, we’ll review laws, recommendations and follow actual candidates through the selection process.

Hiring may be more art than science… but there’s so much you can do to tip the odds of making a good hire in your favor. Please join me Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 5:00 Pacific & 8:00 Eastern for an interactive webinar, Hiring… on Purpose!

You will learn:

  • To add rigor to your hiring process to improve the odds you hire right – the first time
  • How to separate the best interviewers from the best candidates – this is huge!
  • Gain confidence as an interviewer as we review actual questions & answers from real dental practice interviews
  • Protect your practice and yourself by understanding the legalities that exist in the hiring process
  • You’ll see if you can indeed “pick the winner.”

Click this link to register for this webinar hosted by The Scheduling College 

Earn Patient Loyalty -Ginny Hegarty, SPHR

ADA Newsletter Hegarty Fall 2014

ADA Newsletter Hegarty Fall 2014

“We make money the old fashioned way… we earn it!” Oscar Winner, John Houseman’s bounding voice created this memorable catchphrase for an EF Hutton Investment Firm commercial over 30 years ago.The message struck a chord then… and still does. While we can absolutely shorten the learning curve to success, there are no shortcuts to the basic principles of success…not even in the digital world we now live in.

A study of the online reviews of multiple dental practices in a major metropolitan area revealed that for all the changes we’ve seen in how a business presents itself to the world, the bottom line of what makes a lasting positive impression remains the same. Read the full text of my article Score a Great Online Review and Earn Patient Loyalty (more…)

Team Meetings That Work

My favorite team meeting, the one I want to attend is “The Meeting After The Meeting”; the one that takes place in the hallway, sterilization area or at the front desk when the team separates into groups and has a no-holds barred discussion of exactly what should have been said at “The Official Meeting”.  It’s in this raw honesty that change is possible and we can create an agenda that fuels Team Meetings That Work!

The trouble is that “The Meeting After The Meeting” is private, by invitation-only and it’s a tough ticket to get.  

Click on this link to read the full text of this article as published in The Progressive Dentist Magazine to learn the surprising 4 steps to set yourself up for Team Meetings That Work