If you’re in the Fayetteville, Arkansas area this Friday, August 23, 2013 please join me for Wild Smiles 2013
I’ll be presenting Breakthrough Communication Success and will be joined on the program by Garrett Gunderson, Dr. Marie T. Fluent, Teresa Duncan and Rita Zamora http://courses.arbraces.com/practice/register
I want to congratulate Lois Banta, CEO of the Speaking Consulting Network (SCN) and her team for a power-packed conference in Charleston last week. Hall of Fame Speakers Lou Heckler & Dr. Alan Zimmerman spoke on powerful, personal vision. Mark LeBlanc inspired us with his vision for success. My favorite quote from Mark “Never underestimate the power of a simple step repeated.” Gary Zelesky promised “explosive energy”and boy, did he deliver! His passion and his compassion were unforgettable. Social media authority, Rita Zamora‘s powerful presentation on day 1 was referenced by virtually every speaker who followed her. “As Rita said..”became a ‘need-to-know’ reference. Dentistry’s elegant Lioness,Katherine Eitel, SCN Founder, Linda Miles, along with two speaker challenge programs and member presentations rounded out an impressive two-day event.
I had the opportunity to speak with Social Media Authority, Rita Zamora about my new article in The Progressive Dentist magazine titled Social Media: An HR Opportunity and Challenge for Dentists. Here is the link to that video conversation with Rita on YouTube
While a Society of Human Resource (SHRM) survey reported that 68% of businesses are using social media, it’s most significant to realize one hundred percent of businesses are impacted by social media, leaving 32% of businesses as unwilling participants. The Eagles’ number one hit in the late 70s claimed that at the Hotel California “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” That’s precisely what happens with social media since the audience, made up of your current and potential customers and employees can control the message about your organization. You don’t even have to check in… you are there… you can never leave.
Do you have a social media policy? Do you have a social media strategy? You’ll need both if you want to positively influence your social media brand.