Zero Moment of Truth at SCN, The Speaking Consulting Network

Rita Zamora presents at the Speaking Consulting Network Conference 2012
Social Media Authority Rita Zamora


I want to congratulate Lois Banta, CEO of the Speaking Consulting Network (SCN) and her team for a power-packed conference in Charleston last week. Hall of Fame Speakers Lou Heckler & Dr. Alan Zimmerman spoke on powerful, personal vision. Mark LeBlanc inspired us with his vision for success. My favorite quote from Mark “Never underestimate the power of a simple step repeated.” Gary Zelesky promised “explosive energy”and boy, did he deliver! His passion and his compassion were unforgettable. Social media authority, Rita Zamora‘s powerful presentation on day 1 was referenced by virtually every speaker who followed her. “As Rita said..” became a ‘need-to-know’ reference. Dentistry’s elegant Lioness, Katherine Eitel, SCN Founder, Linda Miles, along with two speaker challenge programs and member presentations rounded out an impressive two-day event.