Lateness: What you do the 1st & 2nd time sets the tone
The issue of lateness is a hot topic in HR leadership and one that isn’t generational.
The good news is that people usually step up to what we expect of them and the lateness issue is no different. Meaning if we set high expectations for our team members they typically meet them.
The important thing is that you realize that as a practice leader this may be an uncomfortable conversation, but what you do that first time… that second time… can make all the difference.
Where to start?
Start with setting an intention.
Setting an intention for how you deal with lateness will generate more confidence. You’ll feel more confident knowing that when you address the issue appropriately you are really standing up for all of your team members. We all deserve to have each other’s backs. That’s what makes for a wonderful practice culture and that’s what leads us all to step up to our best selves.
Where do you go from there? Watch the video below for the full details.