10 More Minutes

Are you one to hit the snooze button in the morning to capture just 10 more minutes of sleep? In 212 the extra degree, author s.l. parker challenges snooze addicts to set their alarms for 10 minutes...

Retaliation Charges On The Rise

Federal officials have announced that retaliation charges became the most common charge filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in fiscal 2010. Prudent employers will partner...

Truer Words Were Never Spoken!

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw I highly recommend that before you begin an important conversation with...

A New Perspective

“Once you embrace unpleasant news, not as a negative but as evidence of a need for change, you aren’t defeated by it. You’re learning from it.” -Bill...

“To Have a Positive Influence”

If you review this blog history, you’ll see I am a serious fan of Chic-fil-A and their commitment to making a difference. I came across some advice from Truett Cathy, the founder and chairman...

Agile Development

Great advice from Ed Scanlan , from Total Attorneys, in Chicago “If we focus on communication and transparency, we can control the chaos.” Looks like attorneys have a lot in common with...

Great Answer! Can you relate?

In an interview with Inc Magazine, Zappos’ CEO Tony Hsieh was asked what the least glamorous thing he does is. His answer was “Going Through Airport Security” – Isn’t...

$3,000 to quit; any takers?

Zappos definitely has a unique strategy. After two weeks of classroom training, all new hires spend two weeks learning how to answer customer calls. At the conclusion of the training, new hires are...