Create Breakthroughs With These Two New Strategies
Predictably Irrational Does this sound familiar? Your 11:00 patient has arrived on time. Unfortunately, your 9:00 patient is still in the chair, you’re running behind and you still have two hygiene...
Team Meeting – 5 Steps to Celebrating Your Success
First Step… Celebrate Your Successes! There are five fundamentals of PIVOT Leadership. This post will focus on Strategy. Click this link to the article, Go Right Ahead, Play Favorites that...
Accountability Isn’t Just About Results – It’s About Behavior
I was having coffee recently with a new client and wanted to get to know him and his leadership style. He is working on getting better at doing the ‘4 things employees really want’ [PIVOT page 8]....
How Does Engagement Impact Productivity?
What would 202% mean to you? How does engagement impact productivity? First, we have to ask, what it is that inspires team members to go above and beyond? What is it that takes work ethic to the...
Employee Engagement Isn’t For Sale
Have you ever had a moment of inspiration and it disappeared as quickly as it arrived? I had one of these moments a year ago this month as I realized the answer to the question that dentists have...
YES! You can “just do the dentistry”!
Have you ever had a moment of inspiration and it disappeared as quickly as it arrived? I had one of these moments a year ago this month as I realized the answer to the question that dentists have...
Avoid the top 10 hiring mistakes
Doctors, I’m happy to share the link to the American Dental Association’s 2015 Summer Edition of Dental Practice Success and my article on page 6 Avoid the top 10 hiring mistakes. ...
Practice Leaders: This is AADOM – This is YOUR meeting!
In this video Ginny Hegarty, SPHR discusses her two presentations for this year’s annual session of the American Association of Dental Office Managers...
Four Steps To A Great Hire
The American Dental Association, in partnership with the University of Notre Dame, has introduced the ADA Executive Program in Dental Practice Management. The preview of my course Four Steps To A...
Distinguish Your Practice by seeing your patients on time
Distinguish your practice by seeing your patients on time. Your patients will appreciate your respect for their time and as is true with many things in life, you will reap what you sow. Here is a...